What’s that you say? You say you’re in a bitch rant kind of a mood, you say?

Sometimes you just gotsta vent. If you find yourself frustrated and need to bitch and rant about your kids, your hairstyle, your mess, your bills, your WHATEV, then DO IT! Let it out. Sometimes we hold that shit in, and then we boil over and explode into a million little pieces all over the bathroom floor. (Been there, and it’s aint pretty, my friend).

So moral of the story, vent when necessary. Just don’t make it an every day thing. You don’t want to become known as Negative Nancy.

Now, in the event the person or persons, or dog, or horse or fruit fly that you are venting to just doesn’t get it. They just aren’t eating what you’re cooking. You are getting some serious attitude for getting some mommy frustration out. Here’s what I recommend.

As they are responding on why they think you are wrong for (insert your mommy rant here), begin digging around in your diaper bag, like you’re looking for something. Then, act like you “found it”. Cut the person/dog/horse/fly off mid sentence and say, “oh, I forgot! I got you something!” Then pull your hand out of the bag, and reveal your middle finger. Wave it around a lil’. Then slide it in your back pocket and walk away.
When I see the neighbor new car (Mrs Doubtfire middle finger)

Word. Up. To. Your. Momma. High Five. Back Flip. (Well no back flip). Toot your horn. See ya later. Peace.

What have you done when you are trying to share mommy rants, and people just, don’t, get, it…?

Share your tips at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com


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