I’m guilty! I swear in front of my kids. Once in a while, a few “potty words” slip out and my kids have repeated these words. I’m not saying this is my proudest moment, but indeed a moment I’m sure you can relate to. Am I fucking right?

I started wondering though, is it that common? Or am I some sort of shitty mom, that everyone is pointing at and shaming? I did a little research and found that many, many folks are in the same boat, and have all kinds of research around the subject.

In fact, Scary Mommy has published a shit ton of articles on the subject. Here’s my Top 5!

5: Teaching Kids To Swear Is a Good Thing, According To Science

Boy, could this be true? Dr. Emma Byrne, sure thinks so. She is the author of Swearing is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad

“Learning how to use swearing effectively, with the support of empathetic adults, is far better than trying to ban children from using such language,” Byrne said.

Check out  the full Scary Mommy article by Julie Scagell here, so you can learn how to swear effectively, damn it!

4: Swearing Is a Sign of Honesty, Says Science

Science, you’re really doing parents a solid! Christine Organ’s Scary Mommy blog post, highlights some research you might find fucking interesting: “In a two-part study titled “Frankly, we do give a damn: The relationship between profanity and honesty,” – which is just about the best name for a study ever – researchers from the Universities of Hong Kong, Stanford, Cambridge and Maastricht looked at the swearing habits of 276 participants and assessed how honest they were in various situations. They found that while liars typically prefer third-person pronouns and negative words in their speech, honest people are more likely to swear. In other words, the most honest people in the study also cussed the most.

You can check out the 2nd part of this fucking study here.

3: Hell Yeah! Swearing Makes You Smarter, More Attractive and Less Stressed

Thank you, Emma Waverman, your article just made my day. We can say “shit, fuck, damn” and get sexy? Yes, please.

Swearing makes you attractive. According to Elite Daily, a survey found that both men and women find the opposite sex more attractive when they swear. The caveat is that it must be in an appropriate circumstance.

Want to get the full sexy? Check out Emma’s full article here.

2: It’s Okay To Swear Around Your Kids, Says Science

Science is fucking cool, right?  Mike Julianelle, from Dad and Buried definitely thinks so. He highlighted the book, What the F: What Swearing Reveals About our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves by Benjamin Bergen professor of cognitive science at UC Davis in a Scary Mommy article on the subject of swearing in front of your children. Bergen found that it’s less about the words than the context. Julianelle goes on to say that, “he (Bergen) makes a distinction between swears and slurs – essentially an insult, or a mean remark about someone – and found that while slurs were harmful and could impact a person’s behavior, “ordinary profanity—four-letter words—causes any sort of direct harm: no increased aggression, stunted vocabulary, numbed emotions or anything else.”

Well, ain’t that something? Anyone feel better about how, when and where you swear? Keep reading about it here.

1: Pardon My Fucking Language, But I’m Sweary AF and that Ain’t Gonna Change

Christine Organ has a fuck-tastic article on Scary Mommy about swearing. She really lays down the law regarding having a potty mouth and we love her for it. Which reminds me, I haven’t used “asshat” in a while.

“Furthermore, swearing is cathartic and fun and fucking creative. And contrary to what some might think, swearing is actually a sign of intelligence. Science fucking says so. It takes smarts to know multiple variations of the word asshole (asshat, asswipe, assclown) and be able to use “fuck” as a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. (Example: I fucking love to swear, motherfuckers, and it’s fucked up to think that I’m fucking up because I say “fuck” a lot.)”

Do you swear like a sailor? Comment with your swear word of choice on our Facebook page 


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