Who would like some nice, ripe unsolicited advice? I like my unsolicited advice first thing in the morning with a bowl of cereal, so that it ruins most of my morning. Someday unsolicited advice will be a thing of the past. Until then, here’s:

Top 5 responses to give when faced with unsolicited advice:

5: Thank you for your unsolicited advice. Allow me a few moments to pretend to consider it.

4: Ahh, thank you for your unsolicited advice. I value your opinion so much. I’ll make a note for future reference to remind myself that you’re an idiot.

3: I’m sorry I offended you by ignoring the unsolicited advice you shoved down my throat.

2: Thank you for the constant advice on how to raise my children. Now fuck off.

1: Your unsolicited parenting advice sure is useful, especially since your children are trash and do not respect you.

What is your favorite response? Tell us at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com

Have you received a little too much unsolicited advice and need a good laugh? Get Bleeping Motherhood’s Would You Rather book today!

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