While our kids are still toddler age, it’s still a time for education. We take education VERY seriously, and there is zero room for wasting time. That’s why every day we have a vigorous routine. We like to educate our children on various levels.

Crack of dawn education.

Besides waking my children at 5 a.m. every morning to lift weights and read Hamlet (this is what I heard Einstein’s mom did), we also incorporate several activities, experiments and belief systems to enhance the learning experience. Here’s a few of our current favorites:


We are working on our Donald Trump hair molds to find out what that is on his head and how it works exactly. I think we are close, and have identified a rare species that exists in South Africa. More to come.

Reading & Vocab:

Abraham Lincoln once said: A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others.” We have a saying in our house, too: “Say it, don’t spray it.”

Global News:

What are George and Amal up to today? Will Angelina and Brad have corn for dinner? We explore these hot button topics to stay current and relevant in today’s society.

What Einstein-momesque things do you do with your kids? Share your story with us at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com



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