This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

The Best Christmas Tradition I Skipped

December 5th, 2016|

We’re avid Christmas celebrators here, I sure love the traditions.  I’m known for being the mom that gets her Christmas cards mailed just before Thanksgiving so they arrive just after.  I spend the whole month preparing for that one day.  And I love it.  But there is one tradition I’ll skip; Elf on the Shelf. […]

A Moving Military Mom Story

November 11th, 2016|

In honor of Veteran’s Day, we have another great post from our Military Mom, Michele!  She’s here to give a little of the humor in one of the biggest aspects of being a military family – moving!

Written by Michele

Not too long ago, my family PCS’d (the military acronym for moving…..because every action has an acronym) […]

Why Vote Mikey, The Three Year Old, For POTUS?

November 7th, 2016|

You won’t find any Trickle Down Economics here, but you will find some trickle down his leg…because he had a little too much apple juice during lunch today. But don’t let that stop you from giving him your vote. Many of the world’s greatest leaders and motivators enjoy apple juice and peeing. People must pee. […]

Mommy Ate All My Candy

November 4th, 2016|

I’m totally shocked at my kids’ reaction to me eating all their Halloween candy.

My daughter asked me “where’s all our candy”, so I had to grab my phone and video her reaction when I answered, “I ate it all”.

You see, our kids got SO much candy on Halloween, I split it up into two different […]

We Can Really Scare You!

October 31st, 2016|

DISCLAIMER. Before you scroll down to view the actual images showing the objects in question…please remember, you CAN NOT UNSEE IT.

Bleeping Audrey and Bleeping Kerri recently came across some horrifying items that would make a lion shriek in terror. You might think that something as simple as a lunch tray or a doll wouldn’t scare […]

Why Are We Scaring Our Children?

October 24th, 2016|

Written by Naomi from More With Four
“Night-Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite. If they do, squeeze ’em tight and they won’t come back another night.”
I can’t sleep!
I remember my mother saying this to me when she tucked me into bed. It seems like a harmless little rhyme, but as a kid with […]

Sunshine Blogger Award – A Major Award

October 22nd, 2016|

Bleeping Motherhood wants to give a huge shout out to Mojitos & Munchkins for nominating us for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

We are doing our happy dance and gulping a large glass of wine with appreciation. You’ll have to stop by Mojitos & Munchkins and say “hi” and grab her delicious Apple Crisp recipe. You won’t […]

A Snaccident

October 17th, 2016|

Written by The Fit-ish Sisters

A snaccident – best be described as a brief moment in time where you lose all self-control and eat way more of something than you know you should. These random moments of weakness can strike at any time and can ruin a fit-mom’s day. The obvious answer is to have good, strong […]

Date Night!

October 10th, 2016|

We recently celebrated our 9th wedding Anniversary.

Woo hoo! What an incredible reason for, wait for it….DATE NIGHT!

Ahhh, date night. The night when moms and dads shower, put on non-sweat pants clothing and go out for the evening.

I would love to do weekly date nights, but it’s just too tough to coordinate. If you’re lucky enough […]

I’m Nuts For Bake Sales!

October 3rd, 2016|

Oh wait, let me rephrase that. I’m just nuts. So check this…

My kids’ preschool is having their bake sale this week. And here’s me, wondering when I’ll have a moment to zip to the store to buy some baked goods.

I get it. BAKE. SALE. But like, I don’t bake. So that leaves me in sort […]