Top 5 – Thanksgiving Edition
Ahh – Thanksgiving. So many reasons to give thanks for being a parent. Here are my top 5 reasons for giving thanks this Thanksgiving:
5. When our co-sleeping child hasn’t wet our bed
4. When our kid actually eats the food they take from our plate instead of spitting it out on the rest of our food.
3. When I’m […]
Thankful for humor
Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for my husband. No wonder – I spend a week buying his favorite food and alcohol, cleaning the house, and then his family comes over for his favorite meal. One year, only one relative came over, and ate sparingly because they were going to another Thanksgiving afterwards. I spent a […]
The Napkin
When I was a little girl, I would pretend that I was a housewife. I’d set up baby dolls around the kitchen table, and prepare a delicious fake dinner for my pretend husband who would be walking in the door any minute.
Fast forward a hundred years later. It’s dinnertime. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 5:30. […]
Can you make the Bleeping Motherhood ladies LOL?
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Here’s Bleeping Motherhood’s stab. Can YOU do better?
“My breasts can also make change from large bills and solve world hunger.”
Know someone funny? Share this post NOW so they can get in on the fun! A caption will be selected and announced at some […]
Top 2 of 20 Inappropriate Things My Children Did Today
Real quick, can we just talk about things that are actually innocent but end up seeming EXTREMELY inappropriate –ESPECIALLY if we’re out in public?
You know what I mean, right? Your kid does or says something really awkward that in actuality is no big whip, but you know it’s inappropriate. Okay, so let’s take that moment, […]
Can you believe what I did with cabbage?
A few weeks back, Bleeping Motherhood ran an article called Highway/Prostitute Mom. The article was based on an experience I had while weaning my son from my tit, I mean breast.
The gist of the article was that I was sitting in traffic and got caught massaging my breasts with cabbage leaves to help prevent engorgement.
You […]
Weekly Tip – Potty Training
I’ve heard, hey, be patient when potty-training. They won’t be peeing in diapers when they go to college.
I’ve been to college. There were multiple instances of people peeing themselves. Usually alcohol was involved. I don’t feel relieved.
With my son, we optioned for a reward method with poops on the potty. His Pop Pop bought him […]
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